Jury Members Holebikort Contest 2024

Chair Petra De Sutter

"Petra De Sutter is currently Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Civil Service, Public Enterprises, Telecommunications and Post in the federal government.

She is also a full professor of gynecology at Ghent University and was head of the Department of Reproductive Medicine at the Ghent University Hospital.”

Philippe Catala

Many years Coordinator of Holebikort, Freelance photographer.

Lieven Debrauwer

‘Cineast en Cabaretier’

Brigitte Wybo

Volunteer of the LGBT film festival.

Kris Mergan

Taught animation at the Sint-Lukas Brussels School of the Arts for 30 years.
Since 1999 he was head of the Animated Film Department at the university.
Since 2005 he is also a committee member of the Flemish Audiovisual Fund (VAF) for 'Filmlab'.

Judith Franco

Lecturer in film theory, Utrecht School of the Arts

Alexander Dhoest

I am chair of AMSoC (Antwerp Media in Society Centre), and co-chair of A*, the Antwerp Gender and Sexuality Studies Network.
He conducts research into the representation of gender and sexuality in the media.

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Ontworpen door Ivan Daes